Saturday, December 12, 2009

tee are you tee ache

the truths of katie.

im an asshole to my parents, that's how the cookie crumbled.
it will always be easier to pick a fight with someone than to love them for who they are.
life is never ever fair.
sleep is for the dead.
addiction is only image based.
a picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words still can't make people see clearly.
there is no such thing as home.
no one will ever have your back.
if you want something done"right", do it yourself. if not, stop caring.
the truth is always harder than lying. always.
funny movies always win.
tickling, 98% of the time, leads to sex. in some capacity.
everyone wants to share their secrets.
never ask for details, they always fuck everything up.
sometimes craft is more important than concept.
all of the good ideas are taken, it's okay to steal. even if it's inadvertent.
being lonely is dangerous.
my tumblr says more about me than i do or can.
female vs male brain = different.
facebook ruins lives.
we are never ready to move on.

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