Monday, May 24, 2010

rhode island

i'll be there by 5.

my name is katie. i'm from the smallest state in america. i am an only lonely child. i can count the people i love with just my hands. i live in maine now. i like photography and writing, as well as books. i generally put in twice as much effort as anyone in everything. i'm honest but only to a point when it has to do with what i'm thinking, because i have an overactive imagination as well as a brain that just overthinks all the details.

i never used to be an angry person. but then i grew up. and i understand people way too much, i know what they're thinking before they do. and no i do give people enough credit, but i still hate them. it's a hate thats starting to eat into me. i never used to be angry. but now i'm bitter and angry and overthought and exhausted. but what i am never matters in the end.

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