Tuesday, November 18, 2008

days three through infinity? [catching up]

i should not be taken seriously.
no, like, ever. 
okay, shit ton of pictures to make up for this weekend. which by the way was amazing. my faith and happiness in life was restored. i met some ridiculously fun people and re-realized what i actually enjoy doing instead of just doing what i have to.  too much of life is spent doing things for deadlines.
i finally acquired a tripod. i stopped eating red meat. i will eventually branch out and get to some serious editing of these. oh joy. 

explanation.titles of photos:

1. why do boys like mustaches? serious question.
2. looking over the ledge
3. blurred in the background
4. never forget where you came from 
5. remember that innocent girl
6. for real, i shouldn't be taken seriously. oh and i love four year strong and big fake beanies. 

1 comment:

ashley. said...

i lyke dez alot
i need to start takeing bettah photoz.

lighting is daum good. :]